Florida Solar 101 Archives - Page 4 of 6 - Goldin Solar, LLC
FAQ: Can Solar Make My Roof Leak?

FAQ: Can Solar Make My Roof Leak?

The short answer is yes, it is possible for solar to cause your roof to leak. However, the solar industry has evolved over many years to develop best practices concerning waterproofing and sealing roof penetrations. Your best protection against roof leaks when going...
How FPL’s Net Metering Tiers Work

How FPL’s Net Metering Tiers Work

Florida Power & Light (FPL) defines net-metering solar installations based on their size. Different-sized systems are in different tiers, which come with their own insurance and metering requirements. Residential solar customers fall into either Tier I or Tier II....
How Net Metering Works in Florida

How Net Metering Works in Florida

This article will teach you everything you need to know about how net metering works in Florida. Net metering is essential because it is the only way for home solar to work out economically. Let’s start with the basics. What Is Net Metering? Net metering is an...
Hanwha Q Cell Solar Panel Review

Hanwha Q Cell Solar Panel Review

Thanks for reading our complete review of Hanwha Q Cell solar panels. This review will include their technical details/spec sheet, warranty, service, maintenance, and owner’s manual. We think that Hanwha offers the best solar panels for the Florida solar market in...
FAQ: How Do I Claim My Solar Tax Credit?

FAQ: How Do I Claim My Solar Tax Credit?

About the Solar Tax Credit The federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is the primary government incentive available for solar in Florida in 2020. Other state or local incentives may be available in your location as well. In Florida, the other two incentives available for...

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