Typically, there are three factors that will determine the size of a solar system:
- The amount of energy you currently use– It is not recommended to install a solar PV system that will produce more energy than you currently use annually. If you produce more energy than you use during a given month, you will receive reserve credit for the excess kilowatt-hours on your next month’s balance. If these credits are unspent at the end of the year, the utility will buy them from you. However utilities pay for excess kilowatt-hours at a lower rate (avoided cost) than they sell them to you for. Therefore, we recommend installing a solar system capable of producing as much energy as possible, not to exceed annual consumption.
- The amount of available roof space– Our engineering is meticulous in determining the number of solar panels that your roof can safely and legally fit. During our free on-site consultation, we will determine how many panels can fit on your roof space. Eligible roof space is not northern facing and is clear of shading and obstructions such as vents or air conditioners.
- Your budget for the project – We will work with you to teach you the solar cost structure and how the return on investment with solar works. We have teamed up with multiple financing programs and are proud to offer financing for solar projects which are likely to suit any budget. To customers interested in taking out a solar loan to finance their solar project, we recommend structuring the loan in such a way that the only amount due monthly for the solar loan is roughly equal to the amount of money saved on your monthly power bill after installing a solar PV system. Structuring the loan in this way will make the transition to solar seamless from a monthly budgeting standpoint. The difference is that the source of your energy is now clean and renewable. Additionally, monthly payments towards a solar loan are essentially building equity towards your eventual full ownership of your energy production. On the other hand, purchasing power from the utility in effect, has no return.
Learn more about how we determine the right size for your home solar array.